Home Staging

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Staging a Home and Why It’s Important

When you are selling a home there are a few approaches you can take. You can sell your home while you are living in it, you can sell your home when it’s empty after you’ve moved out, and you can stage it.

Staging a home involves filling it with furniture to make it appear lived in. This can be a beneficial step in selling your home. Read on to find out why homeowners that are selling may want to go this route.

It Will Make Your Photos Stand Out

When you advertise your home on the internet, posting attractive photos can be extremely beneficial in getting it sold. Staging your home so that it looks its best will allow you to take great looking photos that will help your home attract more buyers and sell quickly.

It Will Help People Imagine Living in Your Home

When people see an empty home, it can be difficult for them to imagine living in it. When you add the right furnishings, they can get decorating ideas that will allow them to see your home as a place they can move into and enjoy. It can also forge an emotional connection that can motivate them to make an offer.

It Will Allow Buyers to See Your Home’s Potential

A good staging will help people discover your home’s potential. For instance, if you have a storage space, they might think it could make a good third bedroom. But if you actually stage that space to be a third bedroom, you can greatly increase the sell-ability factor.

It Can Make the Home Look Bigger

If you stage your home well, you can make the space look bigger. Spacing properly, opening windows and doors and producing an uncluttered look will work to make for a more spacious appearance. A bigger space is more likely to sell than one that looks small and cramped.

How Do I Stage My Home?

Most people will hire a professional to stage their home. Staging professionals will bring in all the furniture and arrange it to make your house look its best.

The cost of staging will vary according to the size of your home, where you are located and what you need done. However, in general, you can expect to pay anywhere from few hundreds to several thousands of dollars.

The cost of staging can add to expenses that you already have while selling but will help you achieve a higher purchase price. For this reason, staging is definitely something to consider.

We wish you the best of luck getting the most out of your home’s sale.